Thursday, September 3, 2009

Aug. 30th, 2009

Today is another lazy Sunday, my favorite day of the week. I’m laying on my bed right now, comfortable as Hell, and I thought I’d write you all again. Last night I had the opportunity to use my cell phone for an hour, and it was fabulous! (That word isn’t gay when I say it, I’m bringing it back!) I got a chance to talk to my Dad, Mom, Sister, and a few close friends, and it was really nice hearing them. Most of my friends are back at school right now, and it feels really weird not being there with them. I mss all of them and I wish I were there with them right now to complain about how much school sucks lol. I like being in the Army, don’t get me wrong but having to leave friends and a certain way of life behind isn’t easy. Days like today make being away from everyone hard because we have so much down time to sit and deal with our thoughts. I got to hear my three year old niece Kelsey ask me last night on the phone, “Do you like my drawings Uncle Mike?” I don’t know exactly what it was but it made me tear up a bit. She is getting so big, and I hate that I am not there to see most of it. Regardless though, it was really nice to hear her little voice and I can’t wait to spoil her when I see her on family day. I am happy with all of my decisions that I’ve made so far with joining the army, but the sad part is that most good things always seem to come with sacrifices. I don’t like how I have to sacrifice my family and friends for my job, but I suppose that it will become more bearable as time goes on, as do most things.

I think my problem is that I just want to be out of this hell hole and onward with my career. They have us so closed off from the world, its ridiculous. I would be content with my cell phone and computer, but then again this is basic training… So…

I think I’m over being sick again. Thank God I’ve been horribly sick twice now during basic training and still have not gone to sick call. I believe it will take a broken leg to send me there, anything short and I’m not going. I’ll tell you where I will be going though, Germany. I don’t think too many people are as excited as I am though. I am still trying to find out if I will have some time off between Basic Training and when I leave for German y. I can’t seem to get a straight answer out of anybody and it is pissing me off. I’d at least like the chance to get my affairs in order and gather my things before I am swept off across seas.

I can’t seem to concentrate on this letter to keep writing. I am boring myself almost, does that ever happen to you? I’m going to go lay down between my locker now and try to get some sleep. I’m filling in for the Assistant Platoon guide today so hopefully nothing will go wrong and I won’t get woken up. I love you guys.
-PFC Zaleuke

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