Saturday, October 10, 2009

October 7th

I finally have a sense of completion as far as this basic training and AIT shit goes. We are finally done as of right now. This includes turning in all of our gear, weapons, practicing for graduation and turning blue ceremonies, etc. Tomorrow is our turning blue ceremony and also family day, and Friday is graduation. These past few days have sucked pretty bad, and the Drill Sergeants are staying on our ass right up to the moment we leave this Hell hole. Whatever.. 
Since I am the tallest soldier in our platoon (6'4) I will be up front next to the D.S for both the T.B. Ceremony and graduation due to the fact that we line up tallest to shortest. My family should be pretty happy with that and have no complaints since they'll get to see me easily rather than have to search for me in a group of 400 soldiers. It wouldn't be hard anyways, all they would have to do is look for the most attractive soldier on the field.  We all got high and tight haircuts again today, so I am no longer sporting the skinhead look with combat boots. I always thought I pulled that off pretty well, it reminded me of a soccer hooligan.
I am going to miss this place so, I cant even keep a straight face while writing that sentence. There is not one damn thing I'm going to miss about Sand Hill. I loath this establishment in every possible way. We have been commanded to "Present Arms so many times here, I think I'll command myself to "Present Finger" as I pull away. I am going to miss my Senior Drill Sergeant though. That guy is cool as shit and also an all around good guy. 
Tomorrow is going to be a fun day for me. I get to see people I haven't seen in months, and I cant wait. Friday will be even better because it will include lots of celebratory Guinness beers and a few tattoos......Mmmmmm.
Alright, I've got more packing and shit to do. I'll write again about graduation and all of the shenanigans that were involved once I get back home to FLA and get settled and have a day or two to rest. So hold tight, it will be my last entry and I'll try to make it a good one. 

-PFC Zaleuke

1 comment:

  1. Mike, I hope it won't actually be your last entry. You are a good and descriptive writer and I've enjoyed reading your posts. My stepson Clark is about a month behind you at Benning (C Co. 1-330)and your blog has helped his dad and I understand more fully what he's going through; he's written a few times, but not with nearly as much detail as we'd like. We had to laugh when we realized (in August) that your post that mentioned a new bunch of recruits getting smoked upon arrival probably included Clark. When my husband was in the Army (late 1970s) he, too, was posted to Germany, so we were kind of hoping you'd keep up the writing from your next stop along the Army adventure. Whatever you choose to do, good luck to you in all your endeavors.
