Tuesday, June 30, 2009

This is Dad

Hey to everyone,

This is Dad, George, Coach-George, or Mr. Zaleuke. This will be the only posting I will have using Mike's blogger account. Mike has asked me to enter his EXACT words as written in the letters he sends me. I will be happy to do so; however, I would expect the letters to be somewhat generic in nature...... maybe. You know Mike though!! I will do what he asked me to do, bad spelling and bad grammer included.

Mike and I had a good trip up here; however, the trip to my Dad's house was kind of emotional. My Dad is an old soldier himself, so he and Mike really connected over the weekend. Dad really had a hard time saying goodbye to Mike, so he just said "See you later Mike" as the tears swelled in his eyes. As we were leaving his long rock driveway, we spotted my dad out in the front yard saluting Mike as we left. God, that was hard for us both.

I am happy that we came to Bowling Green a little early. Several of Mike's friends from college came into town and met him at a local watering hole. I did not get a chance to meet with any of you guys; however, I appreciate how good you made Mike feel before his adventure.

I met with Mike's recruiter on Sunday. Sgt Parker was a really nice guy who answered all of my nosey questions without flinching. I think this guy knew that Mike and I are pretty tight, so he sure made me feel better about the whole deal. I think Mike made the correct decision with the Army.

I left Mike at the recruiting station and started back home at about 5 pm our time. Mike and I was texting most of the evening and the next day. However, on his was down to Ft. Benning, Mike realized that he had forgotten his cell phone charger (It did not really matter anyway, because his phone would be taken away when he arrived at Benning anyway.) So, I had NOT heard from him until about 7 pm this evening.

Mike called today, and he seemed kind of "Shell-Shocked" He has only had about two hours sleep, so he was king of grumpy (All of you guys know how Mike can be when he is tired or hungry. ) All he would say is that his life now is "Different" whatever this means. He said there wqas a long line of soldiers waiting to use the single pay phone, so we only talked for about two minutes. Damn, this was hard for ole "Coach-George."

Mike did say he will be writing me tomorrow and give me his new address. As soon as I get this information, I will post the address on this blog. I ask that all of you write Mike when you can; however, PLEASE be selective on what you send him. It is my understanding that drill instructors make the recruits pay dearly for such things. Please be encouraging to Mike, I know how hard it must be for him. Even though I was a hard-ass

Anyway, I guess everything is a good as it can get.... all things considered. This is will be my last blog until I hear from Mike; then, that blog will be posted using Mike's exact writings. If any of you need to speak with me, I may be contacted at: 772-559-2220 Coach-George@Comcast.net

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