Friday, August 28, 2009

August 25th, 2009

Since I have started writing this blog, there have been a few posts I’ve been excited to write about. This post right here will be the one I am most excited to write, besides the one on graduation. Do you want to know why I am so excited? Well today I received my orders to my next duty station. That means the place the Army will be sending me after basic training. I signed a three year contract which means I will spend three years here. Would you like to know where I am going? Well, Lol, bear with me for a second. Of course I had my list of places I would like to go like Hawaii, Alaska, California, somewhere overseas like Italy, but I figured with my luck I would get sent somewhere random and stupid.

Well today my drill sergeant was in his office and was peaking out behind his door with his megaphone saying, ,” I know where you’re going for Duty Stations!!” and he would shut the door leaving us all in suspense similar to how I’m doing to you purposely right now. Finally he came out and started telling us one by one.

The guys with Ranger contracts haven’t gotten their shit yet, the guys who are going airborne are going to Italy, some guys are going to Ft. Polk in Louisiana, and then there are the lucky guys such as myself. Out of the 56 guys in my platoon, 13 of us got chosen to go here. I wish to God I could see my father’s face right now. I am going to Germany!
Can you believe that shit? I am literally in shock still. I freaked out when my Drill Sergeant told me, Ha Ha, I was like, “Bull shit, you’re lying!” This is the reason I joined the army, I wanted to see the world. I cant believe I am lucky enough to get to go overseas for my first duty station.

Now, in my last letter I mentioned I would be a mechanized unit. Well it is now set in stone and confirmed. I will either be in 1st I.D. (Infantry Division) aka ‘The Big Red One” or 1st A.D (Armor Division) aka “Old Iron Side” which are both mechanized units. After basic training (AIT included is over and I graduate, I will have the option of taking 14 days leave, ,which I will be doing and returning to Florida, or I could leave directly from here and go to Germany. I cant not see my family and head out to Germany for three years lol. The cool thing is I can bring my motorcycle with me and get it shipped with my personal things “fo free” lol. I’m sorry, I’m excited as hell and I’m rambling. I need to get more information as to where exactly in Germany I will be, what to do with my truck, etc… As soon as I find out more I will let everybody know. For now, I’m going to rest and get some sleep. (We didn’t do much today, just went to the range and shot all day) Germany!! Ha Ha!!

-PFC Zaleuke

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